Zirconium Crowns

In terms of aesthetics and biocompatibility in aesthetic dentistry, metal alloyed and substructured porcelains are moving away from metal alloyed and substructured porcelains day by day.

Zirconium, which has features such as biological compatibility, natural appearance, aesthetics, and mechanical resistance, is the most widely used treatment option in recent years.

We safely prefer zirconium substructured porcelains both for aesthetic purposes in the front teeth and because they are resistant and robust against mechanical forces in the back teeth.

Zirconium veneers offer an aesthetic and natural appearance and are also important for gum health. Compared to metal-supported porcelain, it is more compatible with the gums and the likelihood of gum problems is extremely low.

Since the light transmittance of zirconium dental veneers is higher than metal-supported veneers and does not contain metal alloys, dark color reflection does not occur in the gums after treatment.

Zirconiums can be safely used in people with metal allergies.

After the planning and design are applied to the person, the necessary abrasions are made on the teeth, and the entire treatment is completed within 4-5 days following the impression procedures.

How to Plan a Smile Design?

We start with a detailed examination to understand your smile needs.
We create a plan that includes customized treatment options and help you achieve your smile goals.
We implement the treatment plan and ensure that you step into the smile you want by following the process regularly.

Step into a Healthy Smile!
Create an Appointment Now.